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MTHS Extracurricular Clubs and Activities

Art Club

Advisor: Mrs. Biederman

The purpose of the Art Club is to stimulate interest and appreciation for art and to help students acquire a broader cultural outlook. The art club is about providing art-related activities to anyone interested in after-school art sessions. You do not have to be in art class to participate and can join at any time.

Bible Club

Advisor: Mrs. Woodring
Website: https://www.facebook.com/MTHS-Bible-Club-Food-to-Go-Program-107679750755267

The Bible Club is one of the most active and largest clubs at Middle Township High School. This non-denominational group’s main goal is to encourage the students to commit to living a Christian life at the high school. Every Wednesday morning, the club meets in the gym for a short devotional Bible study. Once a month the club also meets in the evening during which time a speaker will share how God has changed their life and encourage the students to let Him change theirs also. All students are welcome to attend any of these meetings.

One of the activities that the club participates in every year is Matt’s stocking Christmas charity. The gifts that the students bring in are distributed to needy children in the area. The students have also helped by bringing in food and blankets for the homeless and sorting food at a food center. They have donated money raised to local, as well as international charities. The club also participates in “See you at the Pole” and Fellowship of Christian Athlete events.

Chamber Choir

Advisor: Mrs. Dalfonso

The ensemble at MTHS is comprised of their very best singers. The ensemble presents chamber music. The repertoire consists of vocal jazz, early music and 20th century choral works with intricate harmonies and voicing. Performances are largely a cappella.

Diversity Alliance

Advisor: TBD


Drama Club/International Thespian Society

Advisor: Mrs. Scola
Website: https://sites.google.com/middletwp.k12.nj.us/thespian-troupe-7564/home

The International Thespian Society is an honorary organization to support high school theatre programs and give theatre students a place to connect with each other and practice their craft. Middle Township High School has a long tradition of theatre excellence. Each year the Thespians sponsor the production of a fall play, a musical, entries into the state Thespian Festival, and multiple co-curricular theatrical performances. Students create all aspects of a production including sound, lights, acting, scenic artistry, business management, set construction and student direction. ITS is also an organization devoted to charity work. Every year ITS is involved with many charities and fundraising opportunities including TOTS-Eat and Broadway Cares. The NJ Thespian Festival is one of our key events every year. We take an overnight trip to this theatre festival where students can compete, earn scholarships, and take part in theatre education workshops.

Drama Production

Advisor: Mrs. Dalfonso

At Middle Township we pride ourselves on being able to bring two full stage productions, the fall play being one of them. Produced in the fall each year students take on every aspect of the production from lighting to acting to stage managing. This is a professional production of very high caliber. Students use this opportunity to perfect their acting skills. Students are asked to devote themselves to the production with rehearsals being three days a week and usually starting around 5pm. Student who play a fall sport are welcome to join the fall play as well. 

El Club Latino

Advisor: TBD

The purpose of El Club Latino is to provide educational opportunities outside of the classroom for those interested in the Spanish language and culture. El Club Latino meets after school twice a month to listen to music by Hispanic artists, learn Latin dances, fundraise for different events, eat Spanish food, take educational trips, and spend time with other members interested in the Hispanic culture.


Advisor: Ms. Vassil and Mrs. Giulian

E-Sports allows students to enter the world of competitive, organized video gaming. Competitors from different leagues or teams from regional and national high schools face off in the same games that are popular with at-home gamers such as, Super Smash Brothers, Rocket League, League of Legends, Overwatch and Madden NFL.

French Club

Advisor: Mrs. Cope

The French Club meets monthly to celebrate all aspects of the French culture (art, film, cuisine, and holidays). Throughout the school year, we host a Chocolate sale, a cheese tasting or Raclette party, and a Mardi Gras party. The club also plans trips to French-speaking countries. Each year, we add something new to our repertoire. Some new events we sponsored recently: French movie night at the PAC, trips to the Moma and the Barnes to participate in a tour of French art or to view a special exhibition and a French lunch at a restaurant.

Future Educators of America

Advisor: Mrs. Lamoreux
Website: https://sites.google.com/middletwp.k12.nj.us/future-educators-of-america/home

Does making a difference in someone’s life interest you? Are you up for something challenging, always changing and rewarding? Do you want to help shape the future? Are you apprehensive about becoming a teacher due to what you have heard on the news? Future Educators of America is an organization for students who might be interested in becoming an educator or want to better understand teachers and what they do. FEA is a national student organization dedicated to supporting young people interested in education related careers.

Gay Straight Alliance

Advisor: TBD

Gay Straight Alliance is a student-run organization that unites LGBTQ+ youth and their allies to build a trusting community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and beyond.  The group generally meets during the lunch/study hall block and participates in as many community events as possible, joining together with other like organizations. 

Interact Club

Advisors: Mr. Leahy

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people ages 14 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting. Each year, Interact clubs complete at least two community service projects, one of which furthers international understanding and goodwill. Interactors develop a network of friendships with local Interact and has become a worldwide phenomenon. 

Italian-American Club

Advisor: Mr. D’Apolito

The Italian-American Club is a club open to people from all walks of life to learn about and experience Italian-American culture. In our club we learn how to play traditional games such as bocce, learn how to prepare traditional Italian foods and expose our students to Italian music and film. We also take trips to museums to study Italian art, Ellis Island to learn about the contributions of Italian-Americans and we travel to Italy to gain life changing, first hand experiences. Come out and see what we are all about!

Junior American Red Cross

Advisor: Tammy Ann Graff

Works in the community volunteering for the American Red Cross. All members are certified in first aid and our goal is get each member certified in CPR.

Key Club

Advisor: Mrs. Hogg

A national organization of high school students, associated with Kiwanis International, dedicated to community service, volunteer work, and charity for the community, especially the children. Key Club is involved with fundraisers, community service projects, and other service oriented projects. The goal of the Key Club is to help the community and to develop a feeling of caring and character among its members.

Math League

Advisor: Brooke Zukawski

Is composed of 35 students nominated by their respective honors Mathematics teachers. The members are from Advanced Algebra 2 (Gr. 9), Advanced Geometry (Gr. 10), PreCalculus (Gr. 11-12), and AP Calculus (Gr. 12). The team competes in six mathematic contests sponsored by the New Jersey Math League. The contests, consisting of 6 problems from various math topics, are given throughout the year during MODS 1-2 in the cafeteria.

At the end of the year, individual schools are recognized for their achievement within their county and the highest scoring students are recognized in the school at the Academic Awards ceremony. The MTHS Math League has been awarded a Regional Championship during the past 2 years. This was a major accomplishment for the team since it was the first time in the history of the school’s participation in the New Jersey Math League.


Advisor: Ms. Edwards

Middletones is MTHS’s premiere vocal ensemble. Specializing in a cappella works, the Middletones are an audition-only ensemble with between 6 and 12 members. The group is known for its costumed carolers at the holidays, as well as their professionalism and outstanding musicianship. Auditions are held at the start of each school year to replace graduating members and add to the group’s overall sound.

Mock Trial

Advisor: Ms. Moore

The purpose of the team is to stimulate and encourage a deeper understanding and appreciation of the American legal system. This purpose is accomplished by giving students the opportunity to participate actively in the learning process. This activity helps students to improve proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and reasoning skills, and it promotes effective communication and cooperation between schools and the legal community. Mock Trial brings law to life for students through active participation in a courtroom setting. Students prepare and act out a case competitively in their county first and then proceed to regional competition, if they win the county championship. The season begins in late October and county competition ends in late January.

Musical Production

Advisor: Brinley Edwards

The musical is a highly anticipated annual event at MTHS. Auditions are held in early November and rehearsals begin shortly thereafter. The musical is held in late February or early March. Students who participate in the musical can expect to rehearse music, staging, and choreography throughout the winter months, culminating in a first class stage performance with elaborate scenic design, costumes, and a full pit orchestra. Middle Township’s musical has developed a reputation for being one of the finest in the area and its students have been awarded Broadway performance opportunities, as well as college scholarships to study musical theatre. Each year, nearly 60 students participate in this program and call it one of their greatest high school experiences.

National Honor Society

Advisor: Mrs. Hogg

Consists of a group of students who are selected by a committee and inducted as members. The group volunteers at various activities throughout the school year at the high school and in the community. Each year, the NHS sponsors a Talent Show in the PAC for MTHS students.


Advisor: Mr. Castor

The Robotics Club offers elite technological exploration, innovation, production, and application of advanced robotics systems.  MTHS’s Award winning Robotics Team is open to new members. This year long extracurricular program will give students experience with robotics, business operations, marketing, social media marketing and more! 


School Store

Advisor: Mr. Leahy

Operates during lunch and at all major school events. The school store helps students prepare for jobs in retail, small business management, customer service, distribution and the tourism industry.

Spirit Band

Advisor: Mr. Saul

Middle Township Bands have a long tradition of excellence at the high school. Ensembles offered include concert band, jazz band, and indoor percussion. The various bands will perform concerts, and participate in athletic events, pep rallies, parades, and other high school activities. The indoor percussion ensemble is a group of drumline and mallet players that compete at various competitions at nearby High Schools. In the past, the students performed in Disney World and participated in adjudications in Philadelphia and Wildwood.

Step Team

Advisor: David Farrow

The Middle Township Step Team offers an opportunity for members to learn a variety of dance and step routines. We offer instruction techniques in the areas of Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Lyrical and Worship dancing. In addition, we also teach rhythm and step movements. The team meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5 – 7 pm at the Middle School. We travel and perform at area high schools with United Young Generation during Black History Month as well as perform as special guests at the Friday Night Live Talent Show in January.

Our main event of the year is producing and performing a dance recital for family and friends at the Middle Township Performing Arts Center in April. Everyone is welcome to participate. There are no auditions or try-outs. We encourage you to come out and be part of the fun.

Student Ambassador

Advisor: Ms. Lambert

This program matches upperclassmen with incoming students, based on common interests, to serve as mentors. Mentors serve as the main conduit for our mentee’s integration into Middle Township High School. Mentor duties include sending mentees occasional messages, putting encouraging notes in their lockers, attending their school activities/events, helping them choose future classes, and helping them navigate high school. The goal is for every incoming student to know someone cares about them, recognizes them, and genuinely wants to see them succeed.

Instagram: @mths_student_ambassadors 
Remind Code: @8bfde4c (Mentors Only)

Student Council

Advisor: Ms. Lambert

A student government based group that serves as a liaison to the principal and administration. Student Council officers represent the whole student body and take strategies, ideas, complaints and concerns to the administration. Not only does the Student Council represent the student body, they also lead the school in several events and programs throughout the school year. Student Council sponsors and promotes all homecoming activities including our annual dance, pep rally, and homecoming parade.

Google Classroom Code: qruhg5m

United Young Generation

Advisor: Mr. Farrow

Made up of approximately forty high school students who enjoy involvement with cultural awareness activities. Members are encouraged to maintain good grades as well as to present themselves as good role models to others. Activities during the year include participation in the Homecoming parade, Friday Night Live, Black History Month activities, and the end of the year trip.


Advisors: Ms. Trapani and Ms. Heun

An important publication at Middle Township High School. It is a collection of pictures and articles arranged, so that every student has a record of the year. It requires planning, writing, photography, page designing, and proofreading. Many hours of dedication and commitment are put into the yearbook. Yearbook is hard work. It is a valuable learning experience dealing with group dynamics, sales, computers, publishing, and running a small business. It is not for everyone; but those willing to commit the time and energy, it’s fun. At MTHS, we take great pride in our award-winning yearbook. The activity is open to all students; however, the editors and staff are selected in May. Freshman will be added in September.

Jostens Renaissance

Helping students across the globe renew their climate and culture. Part of the magic of Renaissance Education is that it is so customizable for each school. While we offer hundreds of resources and ideas, you can use as much or as little as you want, focusing on your own school’s culture and climate. This means that Renaissance Education is less of a structured program and more of a philosophy with a support system.

Learn more about the Jostens Renaissance

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